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Welcome  to GSWC Songs Submissions

How we choose songs for each category

Our song selections are based on a point's system which was designed specifically for GSWC and used for our annual conferences. The chairpersons for the divisions work together to make sure that the music presented meets the standards of this organization. There will be no more than 7 songs per category accepted. Therefore, your delay in submission could be a factor in the acceptance of your song(s) for 2024. Below are listed the categories of evaluation:

(Please submit no more than 2 songs)

Five main categories to make sure your song is considered: 

1) The recording must be a completed song. Rehearsal versions WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Interruption of the song for any reason will cause rejection for acceptance.

2) The message in the music must be relative to the Word of God.

3) Tonal quality. Your vocal presentation is expected to be on pitch with proper dynamics. 

4) Instrumentation. All vocal sounds must be clear and heard OVER ALL MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT!

5) Duration. The timing of your song must be 5 minutes or less. (Hint: Less is best).

Under each category are specific fields of execution that our judges will consider.

Deadline: March 15, 2024
Although this is the deadline, if we have enough songs before the deadline per category, the chairperson of each division may have already made their final decisions. Please be advised to send your song in AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

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